Título publicación | Tipo | Autores | Publicado en | Año | DOI | Link sin DOI | L4 | L5 | L6 |
A New Method to Quantify and Compare the Multiple Components of Fitness-A Study Case with Kelp Niche Partition by Divergent Microstage Adaptations to Temperature | Artículo | Vieira, Vasco M. N. C. S.; Oppliger, Luz Valeria; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Correa, Juan A.; Krkosek, Martin | PLoS One | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0119670 | ||||
A novel fast-vegetative propagation technique of the pioneer shrub Baccharis linearis on mine tailings by adding compost | Artículo | Ginocchio, Rosanna; Maria de la Fuente, Luz; Orrego, Fabiola; Jose Diaz, Maria; Baez, Javiera; Francisco Ovalle, Juan | International Journal of Phytoremediation | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2021.1882383 | ||||
Acción temprana post-incendio en Chile: herramientas para defi nir objetivos de restauración de zonas incendiadas | Artículo | Arellano E; Morales, N; Gilabert, H; Gaxiola, A; Miranda, M | Temas de la Agenda Pública | 2018 | |||||
Advanced determination of the spatial gradient of human health risk and ecological risk from exposure to As, Cu, Pb, and Zn in soils near the Ventanas Industrial Complex (Puchuncaví, Chile) | Artículo | Jaime Tapia-Gatica, Isabel González Miranda, Eduardo Salgado, Manuel A. Bravo, Catherine Tessini, Elvira A. Dovletyarova, Anna A. Paltseva, Alexander Neaman | Environmental Pollution | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113488 | ||||
Alteration of Sexual Reproduction and Genetic Diversity in the Kelp Species Laminaria digitata at the Southern Limit of Its Range | Artículo | Oppliger, LV; Von Dassow, P; Bouchemousse, S; Robuchon, M; Valero, M; Correa, JA; Mauger, S; Destombe C. | PLoS One | 2014 | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0102518 | ||||
Analyzing Soil Metal Toxicity: Spiked or Field‐Contaminated Soils? | Artículo | Neaman, A., Selles, I., Martínez, C.E., Dovletyarova, E. A. | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.4654 | ||||
Aspectos reproductivos, arquitectura y fenomorfología de Maytenus boaria Molina (Celastraceae) en Chile central | Artículo | Godoy, Magdalena; De La Fuente, Luz María; Gómez, Miguel; Ginocchio, Rosanna | Gayana Botánica | 2020 | http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-66432020000200152 | ||||
Assessment of revegetation of an acidic metal(loid)-polluted soils six years after the incorporation of lime with and without compost | Artículo | Pardo, Javier, Mondaca, Pedro, Celis-Diez, Juan L., Ginocchio, Rosanna, Navarro-Villarroel, Claudia, Neaman, Alexander | Geoderma | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.06.018 | ||||
Assessment of the independent and combined effects of copper and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on gametogenesis and sporophyte development of the kelp Lessonia spicata (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) | Artículo | Camila Espinoza-González, Andrés Meynard, Alejandra Núñez, Francisco Castañeda, Carolina Oyarzo-Miranda, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Jorge Rivas y Loretto Contreras-Porcia | Journal of Applied Phycology | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-021-02552-7 | ||||
Biochar production from seaweeds | Capítulo | Contreras-Porcia, L.; Araya, M ; Garrido, E; Bulboa, C; Remonsellez, JP; Zapata, J; Espinoza, C; Rivas, J | CRC Press | 2018 | |||||
Burying, not broadcasting seeds improves the seedling establishment of most woody species under different ecological conditions in a semiarid ecosystem of central Chile | Artículo | Pablo I. Becerra, Naijem Aqueveque, Nicolás Velasco | Restoration Ecology | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13551 | ||||
Catholic religious identity, prosocial and pro-environmental behaviors, and connectedness to nature in Chile | Artículo | Neaman, Alexander; Diaz-Siefer, Pablo; Burnham, Elliot; Castro, Monica; Zabel, Sarah; Dovletyarova, Elvira A.; Navarro-Villarroel, Claudia; Otto, Siegmar | Gaia-Ecological Perspectives For Science and Society | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.14512/gaia.30.1.9 | ||||
Characterization of an Agarophyton chilense Oleoresin Containing PPARγ Natural Ligands with Insulin-Sensitizing Effects in a C57Bl/6J Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Obesity and Antioxidant Activity in Caenorhabditis elegans | Artículo | Claudio Pinto, María Raquel Ibáñez, Gloria Loyola, Luisa León, Yasmin Salvatore, Carla González, Víctor Barraza, Francisco Castañeda, Rebeca Aldunate, Loretto Contreras-Porcia, Karen Fuenzalida and Francisca C. Bronfman | MDPI Nutrients | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13061828 | ||||
Chilean regulations on metal-polluted soils: The need to advance from adapting foreign laws towards developing sovereign legislation | Artículo | Neaman alexander, Valenzuela Patricio, Tapia-Gativa J, Novoselov, AA, Dovletyarova EA, Yañez C, Krutyakov Y, Stickey JW | Environmental Research | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2020.109429 | ||||
Clima e historia en un difícil cambio de centuria. Catástrofe ambiental y crisis multifactorial en chile a inicios del siglo XX | Artículo | Pablo Camus, Fabián Jaksic | Revista Tiempo Histórico | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.25074/th.v0i18.1479 | ||||
Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restoration worldwide | Artículo | Enrique Andivia, Pedro Villar-Salvador, Juan A. Oliet, Jaime Puértolas, R. Kasten Dumroese ,Vladan Ivetić, Rafael Molina-Venegas, Eduardo C. Arellano, Guolei Li, Juan F. Ovalle | Ecological Applications | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2394 | ||||
Coastal pollution from the industrial park Quintero bay of central Chile: Effects on abundance, morphology, and development of the kelpLessonia spicata(Phaeophyceae) | Artículo | Oyarzo-Miranda, Carolina; Latorre, Nicolas; Meynard, Andres; Rivas, Jorge; Bulboa, Cristian; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto | PLoS One | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240581 | ||||
Comparison of exposure to trace elements through vegetable consumption between a mining area and an agricultural area in central Chile | Artículo | Aguilar M, Mondaca P, Ginocchio R, Vidal K, Sauvé S, Neaman A. | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-2116-x | ||||
Comparison of methods for determining the color of Chilean honeys and the relationship of color with botanical origin in central Chile | Artículo | Martin, María José; Fredes, Carolina; Nuñez, Gabriel; Ginocchio, Rosanna; Montenegro, Gloria | Ciencia e Investigación Agraria - Revista Latinoamericana En Ciencias de la Agricultura y Ambientales | 2014 | https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-16202014000300014 | ||||
Composición, diversidad y estructura de la vegetación de bosques ribereños en el centro-sur de Chile | Artículo | Gutierrez, I Becerra, P | Bosque | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.4067/S0717-92002018000200239 | ||||
Concise review of genus Chondracanthus (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) | Artículo | Bulboa Contador, Cristian; Perez Massad, Ignacio; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Zapata, javier; Castaneda, Francisco; Eliana Ramirez, Maria; Gil-Kodaka, Patricia | Journal of Applied Phycology | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-019-01956-w | ||||
Conflicto entre la intensificación de la agricultura y la conservación de la biodiversidad en Chile: alternativas para la conciliación | Libro | Ginocchio R, Melo O, Pliscoff P, Camus P, Arellano E | Centro de Políticas Públicas UC | 2019 | |||||
Contaminación de suelos con metales y metaloides en Chile y alternativas de remediación | Artículo | Ginocchio, R & Neaman, A. | Boletín Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo | 2015 | |||||
Desiccation stress in intertidal seaweeds: Effects on morphology, antioxidant responses and photosynthetic performance | Artículo | Flores-Molina, Mara R.; Thomas, Daniela; Lovazzano, Carlos; Nez, Alejandra; Zapata, Javier; Kumar, Manoj; Correa, Juan A.; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto | Aquatic Botany | 2014 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2013.11.004 | ||||
Development of six novel microsatellite markers for the Chilean red alga Pyropia orbicularis | Artículo | Perez G., Meynard A., Contreras L. | Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.22370/rbmo.2020.55.1.2354 | ||||
Differential Responses of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) Strains to Copper Excess | Artículo | Daniella Mella–Flores, Julia Machon, Loretto Contreras–Porcia, Sabina Mesa–Campbell, Peter Von Dassow | Cryptogamie Algologie | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.7872/crya/v39.iss4.2018.481 | ||||
Diversidad de halófitas chilenas: distribución, origen y hábito | Artículo | Orrego F De la Fuente LM Gómez M Ginocchio R | Gayana Botánica | 2018 | http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-66432018000200555 | ||||
Diversidad de plantas nativas y exóticas en fragmentos de bosque y plantaciones forestales en un paisaje costero de Chile central | Artículo | Becerra P., Simonetti J. | Bosque | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.4067/S0717-92002020000200125. | ||||
Does woody species with contrasting root architecture require different container size in nursery? | Artículo | Luz María de la Fuente , Juan F. Ovalle, Eduardo C. Arellano and Rosanna Ginocchio | Madera y Bosques | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.21829/myb.2018.2421419 | ||||
Efectiveness of pig sludge as organic amendment of different textural class mine tailings under different period of substrate stabilization | Artículo | España, H Bas F Zornoza R Masaguer A Gandarillas M Arellano E Ginoccio R | Journal of Environmental Management | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.09.022 | ||||
Efecto de la enmienda orgánica con lodos de cerdo sobre el establecimiento de Lolium perenne en relaves mineros | Artículo | España H., Quinteros J., Ginocchio R., Bas F., Arias R., & Gandarillas M. | Agro Sur | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.4206/agrosur.2016.v44n3-05 | ||||
Effect of large and small herbivores on seed and seedling survival of Beilschmiedia miersii in central Chile | Artículo | Morales N, Becerra, P; Gilabert, H; Arellano, E | Bosque | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.4067/S0717-92002015000100014 | ||||
Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Copper Aqueous Removal Capability of Biochar Derived from the Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera | Artículo | Artículo | MDPI Applied Sciences | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3390/app11199223 | ||||
Effect of single and combined Cu, NaCl and water stresses on three Atriplex species with phytostabilization potential | Artículo | Fabiola Orrego, Claudia Ortiz-Calderón, Stanley Lutts. Rosanna Ginocchio | South African Journal of Botany | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2020.02.021 | ||||
Effect of the invasive exotic herb Centaurea solstitialis on plant communities of a semiarid ecosystem | Artículo | Becerra, Pablo I.; Cavieres, Lohengrin; Bustamante, Ramiro O. | Plant Ecology Diversity | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2020.1800119 | ||||
El Fenómeno El Niño, las Inundaciones de 1877 y la Incorporación del Salitre a la Soberanía de Chile | Artículo | Fabián Jaksic, Pablo Camus | Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.32991/2237-2717.2021v11i3.p259-287 | ||||
El rol de la teoría ecológica en el avance de la sustentabilidad en Chile | Libro | Bozinovic, F; Gelcich, S; Ginocchio, R; González, B; Jaksic, FM; Lima, M | Ediciones CAPES-UC | 2018 | Línea 3 | Fisiología del cambio global | Línea 4 | Dinámica de la población, cambio global y sustentabilidad socioecológica | Línea 5 | Gestión sustentable de los recursos naturales e investigación en políticas públicas | ||
Enhancement of Xanthophyll Synthesis in Porphyra/Pyropia Species (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) by Controlled Abiotic Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Artículo | Pina, Florentina; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto | Marine Drugs | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3390/md19040221 | ||||
Eukaryotic picophytoplankton community response to copper enrichment in a metal-perturbed coastal environment | Artículo | Henriquez-Castillo, C; Rodriguez-Marconi, S; Rubio F.; Trefault, N; Andrade, S; De la Iglesia, R | Phycological Research | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.1111/pre.12087 | ||||
Evaluación de técnicas pasivas y activas para la recuperación del bosque esclerófilo de Chile central | Libro | Becerra P; Smith-Ramirez C; Arellano E. | CONAF | 2018 | |||||
Evaluation of connected clonal growth of Solidago chilensis as an avoidance mechanism in copper-polluted soils | Artículo | Lillo, Felipe Ginocchio, Rosanna Ulriksen, Christopher Dovletyarova, Elvira A. Neaman, Alexander | Chemosphere | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.04.199 | ||||
Evaluation of phytotoxic effects of cationic polyacrilamide polymers: implications for the use of sludges as organic soil amendments in assisted phytostabilization | Artículo | Kathia Tabra, Eduardo Arellano, Samuel Contreras, Rosanna Ginocchio | International Journal of Phytoremediation | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2020.1726870 | ||||
Ex-situ evaluation of cactus pear ( Opuntia ficus-indica ): establishment on amended mine tailings | Artículo | María Teresa Varnero, J. Ramirez, Rosanna Ginocchio, Ian Homer | Acta Horticulturae | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1247.31 | ||||
Expression profile of desiccation tolerance factors in intertidal seaweed species during the tidal cycle | Artículo | Fierro, Camila; López-Cristoffanini, Camilo; Meynard, Andrés; Lovazzano, Carlos; Castañeda, Francisco; Guajardo, Eduardo; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto | Planta | 2017 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-017-2673-0 | ||||
Fertilizer location modifies root zone salinity, root morphology, and water-stress resistance of tree seedlings according to the watering regime in a dryland reforestation | Artículo | Ovalle, Juan F.; Arellano, Eduardo C.; Ginocchio, Rosanna; Becerra, Pablo | Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.201500181 | ||||
First approach of characterization of bioactive compound in Pyropia orbicularis during the daily tidal cycle | Artículo | Nicolás Latorre, Francisco Castañeda, Andrés Meynard, Jorge Rivas, Loretto Contreras-Porcia | Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3856/vol47-issue5-fulltext-12 | ||||
Fitoextracción de metales desde suelos contaminados: ¿Oportunidad o utopía? | Artículo | Neaman, A.; Verdejo, J.; Ramírez, M.; Pinochet, D. | Agro Sur | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.4206/agrosur.2021.v49n1-01 | ||||
Flora marina bentónica de Quintay | Libro | María Eliana Ramírez Casali , Cristian Bulboa Contador, Loretto Contreras Porcia, Ana María Mora Tapia | Rile Editores | 2021 | |||||
Flora Marina Bentónica de Quintay | Libro | Ramírez, ML; Bulboa, C; Contreras-Porcia, L; Mora, AM | RIL Editores, Santiago, Chile | 2018 | |||||
Genetic and Morphological Differentiation of Porphyra and Pyropia species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) Coexisting in a Rocky Intertidal in central Chile | Artículo | Meynard, A; Zapata J; Salas N; Betancourtt C; Pérez-Lara G; Castañeda, F; Ramírez M; Bulboa, C; Guillemin M; Contreras L | Journal of Phycology | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12829 | ||||
Gestión integrada de residuos orgánicos y mineros | Artículo | Ginocchio, R | Boletín Minero | 2014 | |||||
Global issues in setting legal limits on soil metal contamination: A case study of Chile | Artículo | Jaime Tapia-Gatica, Iván Selles, Manuel A. Bravo, Catherine Tessini, Wilson Barros-Parada, Alexey Novoselov, Alexander Neaman | Chemosphere | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133404 | ||||
Growth and physiological effects of single and combined Cu, NaCl, and water stresses on Atriplex atacamensis and A. halimus | Artículo | Fabiola Orrego, Claudia Ortiz-Calderón, Stanley Lutts. Rosanna Ginocchio | Environmental and Experimental Botany | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103919 | ||||
Growth of provenances of Cryptocarya alba during water stress and after re-watering in the nursery | Artículo | Espinoza Meza, Sergio Enrique; Yanez Arce, Marco Aliro; Magni Diaz, Carlos Renato; Martinez Herrera, Eduardo Enrique; Ovalle Ortega, Juan Francisco; Vaswani Miranda, Suraj Antonio | Scientia Agricola | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-992x-2020-0292 | ||||
Human Health Risk Assessment from the Consumption of Vegetables Grown near a Copper Smelter in Central Chile | Artículo | Lizardi, Nilo; Aguilar, Marcelo; Bravo, Manuel; Fedorova, Tatyana A.; Neaman, Alexander | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-020-00226-w | ||||
Identification of proteins involved in desiccation tolerance in the red seaweed Pyropia orbicularis (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) | Artículo | López-Cristoffanini, C; Zapata, J; Gaillard, F; Potin, P; Correa, JA & Contreras-Porcia, L | Proteomics | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201400625 | ||||
Identification of research gaps for highly infectious diseases in aquaculture: The case of the endemic Piscirickettsia salmonis in the Chilean salmon farming industry | Artículo | Mardones, FO; Paredes, F; Medina, M; Tello, A; Valdivia, V; Ibarra, R; Correa, J; Gelcich, S | Aquaculture | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2017.09.048 | ||||
Impact of Mother Plant Saline Stress on the Agronomical Quality of Pepper Seeds | Artículo | Pezo, Carolina; Valdebenito, Samuel; Fernanda Flores, M.; Oyanedel, Eduardo; Vidal, Kooichi; Neaman, Alexander; Penaloza, Patricia | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-020-00325-8 | ||||
Ingestion of contaminated kelps by the herbivore Tetrapygus niger: Negative effects on food intake, growth, fertility, and early development | Artículo | Latorre-Padilla, Nicolás; Meynard, Andrés; Oyarzun, Fernanda X.; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto | Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112365 | ||||
Inhibitory effects of Eucalyptus globulus on understorey plant growth and species richness are greater in non-native regions | Artículo | Becerra, PI; Catford, JA; Inderjit; McLeod, ML; Andonian, K; Aschehoug, ET; Montesinos, D; Callaway, RM | Global Ecology and Biogeography | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12676 | ||||
Integrated management of pig residues and copper mine tailings for aided phytostabilization | Artículo | Gandarillas M, España H, Gardeweg R, Bas F, Arellano EC, Brown S, Ginocchio R. | Journal of Environmental Quality | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2017.11.0431 | ||||
Landscape dynamics and their effect on the functional connectivity of a Mediterranean landscape of Chile | Artículo | HERNANDEZ A., MIRANDA M., ARELLANO E., SAURA S., OVALLE C. | Ecological Indicators | 2014 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.08.010 | ||||
Landscape trajectories and their effect on fragmentation for a Mediterranean semi-arid ecosystem in Central Chile | Artículo | Hernandez A.; Miranda MD; Arellano, EC; Dobbs C | Journal of Arid Environments | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.10.004 | ||||
Linking nursery nutritional status and water availability post-planting under intense summer drought: the case of a South American Mediterranean tree species | Artículo | Ovalle, JF; Arellano, EC; Oliet, JA; Becerra, P; Ginocchio, R | IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor1905-009 | ||||
Linking riparian woody communities and fluviomorphological characteristics in a regulated gravel-bed river (Piave River, Northern Italy) | Artículo | Picco, Lorenzo; Sitzia, Tommaso; Mao, Luca; Comiti, Francesco; Lenzi, Mario A. | Ecohydrology | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1616 | ||||
Manejo sustentable de Recursos Naturales en predios fruticolas de la Región de Coquimbo | Capítulo | Arellano, E; Gil, P; Muñoz, A.E; Rojas-Arévalo, N | Ediciones UC | 2018 | |||||
Manual de Conservación de Biodiversidad en Predios Agricolas de Chile Central | Libro | Arcos, N.; Arellano, E.; Bonacic, C.; Leichtle, J.; Lledó, J.; Muñoz, A.E.; Novoa, F.; Ossa, G. | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | 2016 | |||||
Marine macrophytes proteomics: where are we heading?. International Society for Applied Phycology | Artículo | Kumar M., Contreras-Porcia L., Padula M.P., & Ralph P.J. | International Society For Applied Phycology Newsletter | 2017 | |||||
Marine metal pollution and effects on seaweed species | Capítulo | Contreras-Porcia, L; Meynard, A; López-Cristoffanini, C; Latorre, N; Kumar, M | Springer | 2017 | |||||
Mayten Tree Seed Oil: Nutritional Value Evaluation According to Antioxidant Capacity and Bioactive Properties | Artículo | Ginocchio, Rosanna; Munoz-Carvajal, Eduardo; Velasquez, Patricia; Giordano, Ady; Montenegro, Gloria; Colque-Perez, German; Saez-Navarrete, Cesar | Foods | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10040729 | ||||
Metales Pesados en el barro del aluvión que afecto la zona costera de Chañaral | Capítulo | De la Iglesia, R.; Andrade, S.; Correa, J.A. | Ediciones ARQ | 2017 | |||||
Microbiota influences morphology and reproduction of the brown alga Ectocarpus sp | Artículo | Tapia, JE; González, B; Goulitquer, S; Potin, P & Correa, JA | Frontiers in Microbiology | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2016.00197 | ||||
Mixing residues allows multiple benefits beyond proper stabilization of tailings storage facilities at closure | Capítulo | Ginocchio, R.; Arellano, E.; Gandarillas, M.; Sáez-Navarrete, C.; van Ham, M. & Brown, S. | GECAMIN | 2016 | |||||
Modulatory effect of the exudates released by the brown kelp Lessonia spicata on the toxicity of copper in early developmental stages of ecologically related organisms | Artículo | Fellous, Alexandre; Andrade, Santiago; Vidal-Ramirez, Francisco; Calder?n, Ricardo; Beltran, Jessica; Correa, Juan A. | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2017 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-8120-0 | ||||
Molecular identification, growth, and reproduction ofColaconema daviesii(Rhodophyta; Colaconematales) endophyte of the edible red seaweedChondracanthus chamissoi | Artículo | Montoya, Valentina; Meynard, Andres; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Contador, Cristian Bulboa | Journal of Applied Phycology | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-020-02176-3 | ||||
Negative Consequences on the Growth, Morphometry, and Community Structure of the Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) by a Short Pollution Pulse of Heavy Metals and PAHs | Artículo | Roddy Jara-Yáñez, Andrés Meynard, Gladys Acosta, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Carolina Oyarzo-Miranda, Francisco Castañeda, Florentina Piña, Jorge Rivas, Cristian Bulboa y Loretto Contreras-Porcia | MDPI Toxics | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics9080190 | ||||
Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and influence on morphology and root growth potential | Artículo | Acevedo M.; Rubilar R.; Dumroese R.K.; Ovalle J.F.; Sandoval S.; Chassin-Trubert R. | New Forests | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-020-09778-2 | ||||
Non-Random Distribution and Ecophysiological Differentiation of Pyropia Species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) Through Environmental Gradients | Artículo | Javier Zapata, Andrés Meynard, Cristóbal Anguita, Camila Espinoza, Manoj Kumar, Loretto Contreras‐Porcia | Journal of Phycology | 2019 | https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12900 | ||||
O father where art thou? Paternity analyses in a natural population of the haploid-diploid seaweed Chondrus crispus | Artículo | Krueger-Hadfield, SA; Roze, D; Correa, JA; Destombe C.; Valero, M | Heredity | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.1038/hdy.2014.82 | ||||
Ostreococcus tauri Luminescent Reporter Lines as Biosensors for Detecting Pollution From Copper-Mine Tailing Effluents in Coastal Environments | Artículo | Henríquez-Castillo, Carlos; Botebol, Hugo; Mouton, Adelaide; Ramírez-Flandes, Salvador; Lozano, Jean-Claude; Lelandais, Gaelle; Andrade, Santiago; Trefault, Nicole; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Bouget, François-Yves | Frontiers in Environmental Science | 2018 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2018.00022 | ||||
Physiological plasticity of Dictyota kunthii (Phaeophyceae) to copper excess | Artículo | Sordet, C; Contreras-Porcia, L; Lovazzano C.; Goulitquer, S; Andrade, S; Potin P.; Correa, JA | Aquatic Toxicology | 2014 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.02.018 | ||||
Polyamines: Stress Metabolite in Marine Macrophytes | Capítulo | Kumar M., Kuzhiumparambil U., Ralph P.J., Contreras-Porcia L. | Elsevier | 2017 | |||||
Productivity and phenological responses of natural vegetation to present and future inter-annual climate variability across semi-arid river basins in Chile | Artículo | Glade, Francisco E.; Miranda, Marcelo D.; Meza, Francisco J.; van Leeuwen, Willem J. D. | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-016-5675-7 | ||||
Propuesta para la evaluación de calidad de áreas verdes para la Región Metropolitana | Capítulo | Arellano, E.; Ovalle, J.F.; Acuña, S.; Goldschmidt, G.; Orozco, J. & Quiroga, D. | Maval | 2016 | |||||
Proteome Analysis Reveals Extensive Light Stress-Response Reprogramming in the Seagrass Zostera muelleri (Alismatales, Zosteraceae) Metabolism | Artículo | Kumar, Manoj; Padula, Matthew P.; Davey, Peter; Pernice, Mathieu; Jiang, Zhijian; Sablok, Gaurav; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Ralph, Peter J. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2017 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.02023 | ||||
Pyropia orbicularis sp. nov. (Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae) based on a population previously known as Porphyra columbina from the central coast of Chile | Artículo | Ramirez, Maria Eliana; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Guillemin Marie Laure; Brodie, Juliet; VALDIVIA, CATALINA; FLORES-MOLINA, MARIA ROSA; NUÑEZ, ALEJANDRA; BULBOA CONTADOR, CRISTIAN; Lovazzano, Carlos | Phytotaxa | 2014 | https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.158.2.2 | ||||
Quantification and Localization of Reactive Oxygen Species in Marine Macrophytes | Capítulo | Kumar, M; Contreras-Porcia, L; Kumar, NM; Ralph, PJ | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK | 2018 | |||||
Recovery of Chilean Mediterranean vegetation after different frequencies of fires | Artículo | Smith-Ramirez, Cecilia; Castillo-Mandujano, Jessica; Becerra, Pablo; Sandoval, Nicole; Allende, Rosario; Fuentes, Rodrigo | Forest Ecology and Management | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.118922 | ||||
Relationship between exotic plant species richness, native vegetation and climate in forest ecosystems of Chile | Capítulo | Becerra P; Bustamante R | Intech Open | 2018 | |||||
Remnants of native forests support carnivore diversity in the vineyard landscapes of central Chile | Artículo | Camila B. García, Gabriella L. Svensson, Camila Bravo, María I. Undurraga, Javiera Díaz-Forestier, Karina Godoy, Alexander Neaman, Olga Barbosa , Sebastián Abades and Juan L. Celis-Diez | Oryx | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1017/S0030605319000152 | ||||
Residuos mineros masivos y políticas públicas | Artículo | Ginocchio, R; Arellano, A | Boletín Olami | 2014 | |||||
Residuos mineros masivos y políticas públicas | Artículo | Ginocchio, R; Arellano, A | Minería Chilena | 2014 | |||||
Resistance to pull-out of Chilean riverine species: Evidence from laboratory experiments | Artículo | Pique, G.; Mao, L.; Becerra, P. | Geomorphology | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107205 | ||||
Response to oxidative stress induced by high light and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the biodiesel producer model Nannochloropsis salina (Ochrophyta, Eustigmatales) | Artículo | Karen Yangüez; Carlos Lovazzano; Loretto Contreras-Porcia; Nicole Ehrenfeld | Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía | 2015 | https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-19572015000200003 | ||||
Restauración en Chile central: Estrategias para el éxito de programas silviculturales en zonas semiáridas | Artículo | Arellano E.C., Ovalle J.F., & Valenzuela P. | Revista Chile Forestal | 2016 | |||||
Restoration and conservation actions: Chilean studies on phytoremediation of metal-polluted, acidic soils | Capítulo | Neaman, A.; Ginocchio, R. & Yáñez, C. | Nova Science Publishers | 2017 | |||||
Rising Copper Exposure Effects on Nutrient Uptake in Two Species with Distinct Copper Tolerance | Artículo | Selles, I.; Neaman, A.; Krutyakov, Yu. A.; Ginocchio, R. | Russian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1134/S1021443721020175 | ||||
Role of abscisic acid (ABA) in activating antioxidant tolerance responses to desiccation stress in intertidal seaweeds species | Artículo | Guajardo, E; Correa, JA & Contreras-Porcia, L | Planta | 2016 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-015-2438-6 | ||||
Role of Leaf Litter on the Incorporation of Copper-Containing Pesticides into Soils Under Fruit Production: a Review | Artículo | Schoffer J.T.; Sauvé S.; Neaman A.; Ginocchio R. | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42729-020-00186-1 | ||||
Root adaptive management for improving plant quality and field performance under drought: Experiences with native tree species from a South American Mediterranean-type ecosystem | Artículo | Ovalle J.F.; Ginocchio R.; Arellano E.C.; Valenzuela P. | Plant Sociology | 2017 | https://doi.org/10.7338/pls2017541S1/03 |
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