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A New Method to Quantify and Compare the Multiple Components of Fitness-A Study Case with Kelp Niche Partition by Divergent Microstage Adaptations to Temperature Artículo Vieira, Vasco M. N. C. S.; Oppliger, Luz Valeria; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Correa, Juan A.; Krkosek, Martin PLoS One 2015
A novel fast-vegetative propagation technique of the pioneer shrub Baccharis linearis on mine tailings by adding compost Artículo Ginocchio, Rosanna; Maria de la Fuente, Luz; Orrego, Fabiola; Jose Diaz, Maria; Baez, Javiera; Francisco Ovalle, Juan International Journal of Phytoremediation 2021
Acción temprana post-incendio en Chile: herramientas para defi nir objetivos de restauración de zonas incendiadas Artículo Arellano E; Morales, N; Gilabert, H; Gaxiola, A; Miranda, M Temas de la Agenda Pública 2018
Advanced determination of the spatial gradient of human health risk and ecological risk from exposure to As, Cu, Pb, and Zn in soils near the Ventanas Industrial Complex (Puchuncaví, Chile) Artículo Jaime Tapia-Gatica, Isabel González Miranda, Eduardo Salgado, Manuel A. Bravo, Catherine Tessini, Elvira A. Dovletyarova, Anna A. Paltseva, Alexander Neaman Environmental Pollution 2019
Alteration of Sexual Reproduction and Genetic Diversity in the Kelp Species Laminaria digitata at the Southern Limit of Its Range Artículo Oppliger, LV; Von Dassow, P; Bouchemousse, S; Robuchon, M; Valero, M; Correa, JA; Mauger, S; Destombe C. PLoS One 2014
Analyzing Soil Metal Toxicity: Spiked or Field‐Contaminated Soils? Artículo Neaman, A., Selles, I., Martínez, C.E., Dovletyarova, E. A. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2020
Aspectos reproductivos, arquitectura y fenomorfología de Maytenus boaria Molina (Celastraceae) en Chile central Artículo Godoy, Magdalena; De La Fuente, Luz María; Gómez, Miguel; Ginocchio, Rosanna Gayana Botánica 2020
Assessment of revegetation of an acidic metal(loid)-polluted soils six years after the incorporation of lime with and without compost Artículo Pardo, Javier, Mondaca, Pedro, Celis-Diez, Juan L., Ginocchio, Rosanna, Navarro-Villarroel, Claudia, Neaman, Alexander Geoderma 2018
Assessment of the independent and combined effects of copper and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on gametogenesis and sporophyte development of the kelp Lessonia spicata (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) Artículo Camila Espinoza-González, Andrés Meynard, Alejandra Núñez, Francisco Castañeda, Carolina Oyarzo-Miranda, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Jorge Rivas y Loretto Contreras-Porcia Journal of Applied Phycology 2021
Biochar production from seaweeds Capítulo Contreras-Porcia, L.; Araya, M ; Garrido, E; Bulboa, C; Remonsellez, JP; Zapata, J; Espinoza, C; Rivas, J CRC Press 2018
Burying, not broadcasting seeds improves the seedling establishment of most woody species under different ecological conditions in a semiarid ecosystem of central Chile Artículo Pablo I. Becerra, Naijem Aqueveque, Nicolás Velasco Restoration Ecology 2021
Catholic religious identity, prosocial and pro-environmental behaviors, and connectedness to nature in Chile Artículo Neaman, Alexander; Diaz-Siefer, Pablo; Burnham, Elliot; Castro, Monica; Zabel, Sarah; Dovletyarova, Elvira A.; Navarro-Villarroel, Claudia; Otto, Siegmar Gaia-Ecological Perspectives For Science and Society 2021
Characterization of an Agarophyton chilense Oleoresin Containing PPARγ Natural Ligands with Insulin-Sensitizing Effects in a C57Bl/6J Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Obesity and Antioxidant Activity in Caenorhabditis elegans Artículo Claudio Pinto, María Raquel Ibáñez, Gloria Loyola, Luisa León, Yasmin Salvatore, Carla González, Víctor Barraza, Francisco Castañeda, Rebeca Aldunate, Loretto Contreras-Porcia, Karen Fuenzalida and Francisca C. Bronfman MDPI Nutrients 2021
Chilean regulations on metal-polluted soils: The need to advance from adapting foreign laws towards developing sovereign legislation Artículo Neaman alexander, Valenzuela Patricio, Tapia-Gativa J, Novoselov, AA, Dovletyarova EA, Yañez C, Krutyakov Y, Stickey JW Environmental Research 2020
Clima e historia en un difícil cambio de centuria. Catástrofe ambiental y crisis multifactorial en chile a inicios del siglo XX Artículo Pablo Camus, Fabián Jaksic Revista Tiempo Histórico 2019
Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restoration worldwide Artículo Enrique Andivia, Pedro Villar-Salvador, Juan A. Oliet, Jaime Puértolas, R. Kasten Dumroese ,Vladan Ivetić, Rafael Molina-Venegas, Eduardo C. Arellano, Guolei Li, Juan F. Ovalle Ecological Applications 2021
Coastal pollution from the industrial park Quintero bay of central Chile: Effects on abundance, morphology, and development of the kelpLessonia spicata(Phaeophyceae) Artículo Oyarzo-Miranda, Carolina; Latorre, Nicolas; Meynard, Andres; Rivas, Jorge; Bulboa, Cristian; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto PLoS One 2020
Comparison of exposure to trace elements through vegetable consumption between a mining area and an agricultural area in central Chile Artículo Aguilar M, Mondaca P, Ginocchio R, Vidal K, Sauvé S, Neaman A. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018
Comparison of methods for determining the color of Chilean honeys and the relationship of color with botanical origin in central Chile Artículo Martin, María José; Fredes, Carolina; Nuñez, Gabriel; Ginocchio, Rosanna; Montenegro, Gloria Ciencia e Investigación Agraria - Revista Latinoamericana En Ciencias de la Agricultura y Ambientales 2014
Composición, diversidad y estructura de la vegetación de bosques ribereños en el centro-sur de Chile Artículo Gutierrez, I Becerra, P Bosque 2018
Concise review of genus Chondracanthus (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) Artículo Bulboa Contador, Cristian; Perez Massad, Ignacio; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Zapata, javier; Castaneda, Francisco; Eliana Ramirez, Maria; Gil-Kodaka, Patricia Journal of Applied Phycology 2019
Conflicto entre la intensificación de la agricultura y la conservación de la biodiversidad en Chile: alternativas para la conciliación Libro Ginocchio R, Melo O, Pliscoff P, Camus P, Arellano E Centro de Políticas Públicas UC 2019
Contaminación de suelos con metales y metaloides en Chile y alternativas de remediación Artículo Ginocchio, R & Neaman, A. Boletín Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo 2015
Desiccation stress in intertidal seaweeds: Effects on morphology, antioxidant responses and photosynthetic performance Artículo Flores-Molina, Mara R.; Thomas, Daniela; Lovazzano, Carlos; Nez, Alejandra; Zapata, Javier; Kumar, Manoj; Correa, Juan A.; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto Aquatic Botany 2014
Development of six novel microsatellite markers for the Chilean red alga Pyropia orbicularis Artículo Perez G., Meynard A., Contreras L. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 2020
Differential Responses of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) Strains to Copper Excess Artículo Daniella Mella–Flores, Julia Machon, Loretto Contreras–Porcia, Sabina Mesa–Campbell, Peter Von Dassow Cryptogamie Algologie 2018
Diversidad de halófitas chilenas: distribución, origen y hábito Artículo Orrego F De la Fuente LM Gómez M Ginocchio R Gayana Botánica 2018
Diversidad de plantas nativas y exóticas en fragmentos de bosque y plantaciones forestales en un paisaje costero de Chile central Artículo Becerra P., Simonetti J. Bosque 2020
Does woody species with contrasting root architecture require different container size in nursery? Artículo Luz María de la Fuente , Juan F. Ovalle, Eduardo C. Arellano and Rosanna Ginocchio Madera y Bosques 2018
Efectiveness of pig sludge as organic amendment of different textural class mine tailings under different period of substrate stabilization Artículo España, H Bas F Zornoza R Masaguer A Gandarillas M Arellano E Ginoccio R Journal of Environmental Management 2019
Efecto de la enmienda orgánica con lodos de cerdo sobre el establecimiento de Lolium perenne en relaves mineros Artículo España H., Quinteros J., Ginocchio R., Bas F., Arias R., & Gandarillas M. Agro Sur 2016
Effect of large and small herbivores on seed and seedling survival of Beilschmiedia miersii in central Chile Artículo Morales N, Becerra, P; Gilabert, H; Arellano, E Bosque 2015
Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Copper Aqueous Removal Capability of Biochar Derived from the Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera Artículo Artículo MDPI Applied Sciences 2021
Effect of single and combined Cu, NaCl and water stresses on three Atriplex species with phytostabilization potential Artículo Fabiola Orrego, Claudia Ortiz-Calderón, Stanley Lutts. Rosanna Ginocchio South African Journal of Botany 2020
Effect of the invasive exotic herb Centaurea solstitialis on plant communities of a semiarid ecosystem Artículo Becerra, Pablo I.; Cavieres, Lohengrin; Bustamante, Ramiro O. Plant Ecology Diversity 2020
El Fenómeno El Niño, las Inundaciones de 1877 y la Incorporación del Salitre a la Soberanía de Chile Artículo Fabián Jaksic, Pablo Camus Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) 2021
El rol de la teoría ecológica en el avance de la sustentabilidad en Chile Libro Bozinovic, F; Gelcich, S; Ginocchio, R; González, B; Jaksic, FM; Lima, M Ediciones CAPES-UC 2018 Línea 3 | Fisiología del cambio global Línea 4 | Dinámica de la población, cambio global y sustentabilidad socioecológica Línea 5 | Gestión sustentable de los recursos naturales e investigación en políticas públicas
Enhancement of Xanthophyll Synthesis in Porphyra/Pyropia Species (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) by Controlled Abiotic Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Artículo Pina, Florentina; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto Marine Drugs 2021
Eukaryotic picophytoplankton community response to copper enrichment in a metal-perturbed coastal environment Artículo Henriquez-Castillo, C; Rodriguez-Marconi, S; Rubio F.; Trefault, N; Andrade, S; De la Iglesia, R Phycological Research 2015
Evaluación de técnicas pasivas y activas para la recuperación del bosque esclerófilo de Chile central Libro Becerra P; Smith-Ramirez C; Arellano E. CONAF 2018
Evaluation of connected clonal growth of Solidago chilensis as an avoidance mechanism in copper-polluted soils Artículo Lillo, Felipe Ginocchio, Rosanna Ulriksen, Christopher Dovletyarova, Elvira A. Neaman, Alexander Chemosphere 2019
Evaluation of phytotoxic effects of cationic polyacrilamide polymers: implications for the use of sludges as organic soil amendments in assisted phytostabilization Artículo Kathia Tabra, Eduardo Arellano, Samuel Contreras, Rosanna Ginocchio International Journal of Phytoremediation 2020
Ex-situ evaluation of cactus pear ( Opuntia ficus-indica ): establishment on amended mine tailings Artículo María Teresa Varnero, J. Ramirez, Rosanna Ginocchio, Ian Homer Acta Horticulturae 2019
Expression profile of desiccation tolerance factors in intertidal seaweed species during the tidal cycle Artículo Fierro, Camila; López-Cristoffanini, Camilo; Meynard, Andrés; Lovazzano, Carlos; Castañeda, Francisco; Guajardo, Eduardo; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto Planta 2017
Fertilizer location modifies root zone salinity, root morphology, and water-stress resistance of tree seedlings according to the watering regime in a dryland reforestation Artículo Ovalle, Juan F.; Arellano, Eduardo C.; Ginocchio, Rosanna; Becerra, Pablo Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 2016
First approach of characterization of bioactive compound in Pyropia orbicularis during the daily tidal cycle Artículo Nicolás Latorre, Francisco Castañeda, Andrés Meynard, Jorge Rivas, Loretto Contreras-Porcia Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 2019
Fitoextracción de metales desde suelos contaminados: ¿Oportunidad o utopía? Artículo Neaman, A.; Verdejo, J.; Ramírez, M.; Pinochet, D. Agro Sur 2021
Flora marina bentónica de Quintay Libro María Eliana Ramírez Casali , Cristian Bulboa Contador, Loretto Contreras Porcia, Ana María Mora Tapia Rile Editores 2021
Flora Marina Bentónica de Quintay Libro Ramírez, ML; Bulboa, C; Contreras-Porcia, L; Mora, AM RIL Editores, Santiago, Chile 2018
Genetic and Morphological Differentiation of Porphyra and Pyropia species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) Coexisting in a Rocky Intertidal in central Chile Artículo Meynard, A; Zapata J; Salas N; Betancourtt C; Pérez-Lara G; Castañeda, F; Ramírez M; Bulboa, C; Guillemin M; Contreras L Journal of Phycology 2019
Gestión integrada de residuos orgánicos y mineros Artículo Ginocchio, R Boletín Minero 2014
Global issues in setting legal limits on soil metal contamination: A case study of Chile Artículo Jaime Tapia-Gatica, Iván Selles, Manuel A. Bravo, Catherine Tessini, Wilson Barros-Parada, Alexey Novoselov, Alexander Neaman Chemosphere 2021
Growth and physiological effects of single and combined Cu, NaCl, and water stresses on Atriplex atacamensis and A. halimus Artículo Fabiola Orrego, Claudia Ortiz-Calderón, Stanley Lutts. Rosanna Ginocchio Environmental and Experimental Botany 2020
Growth of provenances of Cryptocarya alba during water stress and after re-watering in the nursery Artículo Espinoza Meza, Sergio Enrique; Yanez Arce, Marco Aliro; Magni Diaz, Carlos Renato; Martinez Herrera, Eduardo Enrique; Ovalle Ortega, Juan Francisco; Vaswani Miranda, Suraj Antonio Scientia Agricola 2021
Human Health Risk Assessment from the Consumption of Vegetables Grown near a Copper Smelter in Central Chile Artículo Lizardi, Nilo; Aguilar, Marcelo; Bravo, Manuel; Fedorova, Tatyana A.; Neaman, Alexander Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2020
Identification of proteins involved in desiccation tolerance in the red seaweed Pyropia orbicularis (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) Artículo López-Cristoffanini, C; Zapata, J; Gaillard, F; Potin, P; Correa, JA & Contreras-Porcia, L Proteomics 2015
Identification of research gaps for highly infectious diseases in aquaculture: The case of the endemic Piscirickettsia salmonis in the Chilean salmon farming industry Artículo Mardones, FO; Paredes, F; Medina, M; Tello, A; Valdivia, V; Ibarra, R; Correa, J; Gelcich, S Aquaculture 2018
Impact of Mother Plant Saline Stress on the Agronomical Quality of Pepper Seeds Artículo Pezo, Carolina; Valdebenito, Samuel; Fernanda Flores, M.; Oyanedel, Eduardo; Vidal, Kooichi; Neaman, Alexander; Penaloza, Patricia Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2020
Ingestion of contaminated kelps by the herbivore Tetrapygus niger: Negative effects on food intake, growth, fertility, and early development Artículo Latorre-Padilla, Nicolás; Meynard, Andrés; Oyarzun, Fernanda X.; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto Marine Pollution Bulletin 2021
Inhibitory effects of Eucalyptus globulus on understorey plant growth and species richness are greater in non-native regions Artículo Becerra, PI; Catford, JA; Inderjit; McLeod, ML; Andonian, K; Aschehoug, ET; Montesinos, D; Callaway, RM Global Ecology and Biogeography 2018
Integrated management of pig residues and copper mine tailings for aided phytostabilization Artículo Gandarillas M, España H, Gardeweg R, Bas F, Arellano EC, Brown S, Ginocchio R. Journal of Environmental Quality 2019
Landscape dynamics and their effect on the functional connectivity of a Mediterranean landscape of Chile Artículo HERNANDEZ A., MIRANDA M., ARELLANO E., SAURA S., OVALLE C. Ecological Indicators 2014
Landscape trajectories and their effect on fragmentation for a Mediterranean semi-arid ecosystem in Central Chile Artículo Hernandez A.; Miranda MD; Arellano, EC; Dobbs C Journal of Arid Environments 2016
Linking nursery nutritional status and water availability post-planting under intense summer drought: the case of a South American Mediterranean tree species Artículo Ovalle, JF; Arellano, EC; Oliet, JA; Becerra, P; Ginocchio, R IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 2016
Linking riparian woody communities and fluviomorphological characteristics in a regulated gravel-bed river (Piave River, Northern Italy) Artículo Picco, Lorenzo; Sitzia, Tommaso; Mao, Luca; Comiti, Francesco; Lenzi, Mario A. Ecohydrology 2015
Manejo sustentable de Recursos Naturales en predios fruticolas de la Región de Coquimbo Capítulo Arellano, E; Gil, P; Muñoz, A.E; Rojas-Arévalo, N Ediciones UC 2018
Manual de Conservación de Biodiversidad en Predios Agricolas de Chile Central Libro Arcos, N.; Arellano, E.; Bonacic, C.; Leichtle, J.; Lledó, J.; Muñoz, A.E.; Novoa, F.; Ossa, G. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 2016
Marine macrophytes proteomics: where are we heading?. International Society for Applied Phycology Artículo Kumar M., Contreras-Porcia L., Padula M.P., & Ralph P.J. International Society For Applied Phycology Newsletter 2017
Marine metal pollution and effects on seaweed species Capítulo Contreras-Porcia, L; Meynard, A; López-Cristoffanini, C; Latorre, N; Kumar, M Springer 2017
Mayten Tree Seed Oil: Nutritional Value Evaluation According to Antioxidant Capacity and Bioactive Properties Artículo Ginocchio, Rosanna; Munoz-Carvajal, Eduardo; Velasquez, Patricia; Giordano, Ady; Montenegro, Gloria; Colque-Perez, German; Saez-Navarrete, Cesar Foods 2021
Metales Pesados en el barro del aluvión que afecto la zona costera de Chañaral Capítulo De la Iglesia, R.; Andrade, S.; Correa, J.A. Ediciones ARQ 2017
Microbiota influences morphology and reproduction of the brown alga Ectocarpus sp Artículo Tapia, JE; González, B; Goulitquer, S; Potin, P & Correa, JA Frontiers in Microbiology 2016
Mixing residues allows multiple benefits beyond proper stabilization of tailings storage facilities at closure Capítulo Ginocchio, R.; Arellano, E.; Gandarillas, M.; Sáez-Navarrete, C.; van Ham, M. & Brown, S. GECAMIN 2016
Modulatory effect of the exudates released by the brown kelp Lessonia spicata on the toxicity of copper in early developmental stages of ecologically related organisms Artículo Fellous, Alexandre; Andrade, Santiago; Vidal-Ramirez, Francisco; Calder?n, Ricardo; Beltran, Jessica; Correa, Juan A. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017
Molecular identification, growth, and reproduction ofColaconema daviesii(Rhodophyta; Colaconematales) endophyte of the edible red seaweedChondracanthus chamissoi Artículo Montoya, Valentina; Meynard, Andres; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Contador, Cristian Bulboa Journal of Applied Phycology 2020
Negative Consequences on the Growth, Morphometry, and Community Structure of the Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) by a Short Pollution Pulse of Heavy Metals and PAHs Artículo Roddy Jara-Yáñez, Andrés Meynard, Gladys Acosta, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Carolina Oyarzo-Miranda, Francisco Castañeda, Florentina Piña, Jorge Rivas, Cristian Bulboa y Loretto Contreras-Porcia MDPI Toxics 2021
Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and influence on morphology and root growth potential Artículo Acevedo M.; Rubilar R.; Dumroese R.K.; Ovalle J.F.; Sandoval S.; Chassin-Trubert R. New Forests 2020
Non-Random Distribution and Ecophysiological Differentiation of Pyropia Species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) Through Environmental Gradients Artículo Javier Zapata, Andrés Meynard, Cristóbal Anguita, Camila Espinoza, Manoj Kumar, Loretto Contreras‐Porcia Journal of Phycology 2019
O father where art thou? Paternity analyses in a natural population of the haploid-diploid seaweed Chondrus crispus Artículo Krueger-Hadfield, SA; Roze, D; Correa, JA; Destombe C.; Valero, M Heredity 2015
Ostreococcus tauri Luminescent Reporter Lines as Biosensors for Detecting Pollution From Copper-Mine Tailing Effluents in Coastal Environments Artículo Henríquez-Castillo, Carlos; Botebol, Hugo; Mouton, Adelaide; Ramírez-Flandes, Salvador; Lozano, Jean-Claude; Lelandais, Gaelle; Andrade, Santiago; Trefault, Nicole; De la Iglesia, Rodrigo; Bouget, François-Yves Frontiers in Environmental Science 2018
Physiological plasticity of Dictyota kunthii (Phaeophyceae) to copper excess Artículo Sordet, C; Contreras-Porcia, L; Lovazzano C.; Goulitquer, S; Andrade, S; Potin P.; Correa, JA Aquatic Toxicology 2014
Polyamines: Stress Metabolite in Marine Macrophytes Capítulo Kumar M., Kuzhiumparambil U., Ralph P.J., Contreras-Porcia L. Elsevier 2017
Productivity and phenological responses of natural vegetation to present and future inter-annual climate variability across semi-arid river basins in Chile Artículo Glade, Francisco E.; Miranda, Marcelo D.; Meza, Francisco J.; van Leeuwen, Willem J. D. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2016
Propuesta para la evaluación de calidad de áreas verdes para la Región Metropolitana Capítulo Arellano, E.; Ovalle, J.F.; Acuña, S.; Goldschmidt, G.; Orozco, J. & Quiroga, D. Maval 2016
Proteome Analysis Reveals Extensive Light Stress-Response Reprogramming in the Seagrass Zostera muelleri (Alismatales, Zosteraceae) Metabolism Artículo Kumar, Manoj; Padula, Matthew P.; Davey, Peter; Pernice, Mathieu; Jiang, Zhijian; Sablok, Gaurav; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Ralph, Peter J. Frontiers in Plant Science 2017
Pyropia orbicularis sp. nov. (Rhodophyta, Bangiaceae) based on a population previously known as Porphyra columbina from the central coast of Chile Artículo Ramirez, Maria Eliana; Contreras-Porcia, Loretto; Guillemin Marie Laure; Brodie, Juliet; VALDIVIA, CATALINA; FLORES-MOLINA, MARIA ROSA; NUÑEZ, ALEJANDRA; BULBOA CONTADOR, CRISTIAN; Lovazzano, Carlos Phytotaxa 2014
Quantification and Localization of Reactive Oxygen Species in Marine Macrophytes Capítulo Kumar, M; Contreras-Porcia, L; Kumar, NM; Ralph, PJ CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK 2018
Recovery of Chilean Mediterranean vegetation after different frequencies of fires Artículo Smith-Ramirez, Cecilia; Castillo-Mandujano, Jessica; Becerra, Pablo; Sandoval, Nicole; Allende, Rosario; Fuentes, Rodrigo Forest Ecology and Management 2021
Relationship between exotic plant species richness, native vegetation and climate in forest ecosystems of Chile Capítulo Becerra P; Bustamante R Intech Open 2018
Remnants of native forests support carnivore diversity in the vineyard landscapes of central Chile Artículo Camila B. García, Gabriella L. Svensson, Camila Bravo, María I. Undurraga, Javiera Díaz-Forestier, Karina Godoy, Alexander Neaman, Olga Barbosa , Sebastián Abades and Juan L. Celis-Diez Oryx 2020
Residuos mineros masivos y políticas públicas Artículo Ginocchio, R; Arellano, A Boletín Olami 2014
Residuos mineros masivos y políticas públicas Artículo Ginocchio, R; Arellano, A Minería Chilena 2014
Resistance to pull-out of Chilean riverine species: Evidence from laboratory experiments Artículo Pique, G.; Mao, L.; Becerra, P. Geomorphology 2020
Response to oxidative stress induced by high light and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the biodiesel producer model Nannochloropsis salina (Ochrophyta, Eustigmatales) Artículo Karen Yangüez; Carlos Lovazzano; Loretto Contreras-Porcia; Nicole Ehrenfeld Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 2015
Restauración en Chile central: Estrategias para el éxito de programas silviculturales en zonas semiáridas Artículo Arellano E.C., Ovalle J.F., & Valenzuela P. Revista Chile Forestal 2016
Restoration and conservation actions: Chilean studies on phytoremediation of metal-polluted, acidic soils Capítulo Neaman, A.; Ginocchio, R. & Yáñez, C. Nova Science Publishers 2017
Rising Copper Exposure Effects on Nutrient Uptake in Two Species with Distinct Copper Tolerance Artículo Selles, I.; Neaman, A.; Krutyakov, Yu. A.; Ginocchio, R. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2021
Role of abscisic acid (ABA) in activating antioxidant tolerance responses to desiccation stress in intertidal seaweeds species Artículo Guajardo, E; Correa, JA & Contreras-Porcia, L Planta 2016
Role of Leaf Litter on the Incorporation of Copper-Containing Pesticides into Soils Under Fruit Production: a Review Artículo Schoffer J.T.; Sauvé S.; Neaman A.; Ginocchio R. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2020
Root adaptive management for improving plant quality and field performance under drought: Experiences with native tree species from a South American Mediterranean-type ecosystem Artículo Ovalle J.F.; Ginocchio R.; Arellano E.C.; Valenzuela P. Plant Sociology 2017
Mostrando registros del 1 al 100 de un total de 136 registros